Memorial Belltower

NC State's next strategic plan will build upon The Pathway to the Future: NC State's 2011-2024 Strategic Plan.

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The strategic plan sets bold goals for NC State and charts our course for the future.

Strategic planning builds a stronger, more efficient and effective NC State.

Dr. Randy Woodson
Chancellor, NC State University

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Our plan promotes institutional pride among all staff, faculty, and students. See how the renovated Reynolds Coliseum makes pride in place a reality.

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Strategic investments in award-winning faculty have enhanced our international reputation as a research leader.

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The Provost’s Professional Experience Program (PEP), gives students the chance to work with NC State entities to participate in research and expand their professional development.

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Our strategic goals help NC State achieve pervasive excellence.

Learn more about our progress.

Taking the Initiative

business students meeting

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Laying the Foundation

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See how NC State is meeting its student success goals through innovative programs and initiatives.


We're taking stock of our success to guide future planning. Take a look at how far we've come and how much we've achieved in recent years.

Our Implementation Plan

We're taking practical steps toward strategic goals. The successful completion of each initiative strengthens our culture of pervasive excellence.